Anti-Stigma Research Backgrounder
This backgrounder highlights emerging data on structural and self-stigma experienced by individuals with mental health or substance use disorder in Canada. The backgrounder provides an overview of purpose, key findings, and recommendations for change. It also discusses the importance of addressing stigma to promote recovery and improve access to care, as well as defining self stigma and structural stigma. The survey analyzed data from a Leger poll conducted in the summer of 2022, which included 4029 respondents in Canada. 2,005 individuals identified living with a mental health or substance use disorder. The results were weighted to give representative samples. People living with a mental health or substance use disorder identified the following priorities for change: The survey results emphasized the importance of addressing structural stigma in healthcare settings and other areas of society, including the need for more person-centered and recovery-oriented approaches. Addressing stigma is critical to promoting recovery and improving access to care for individuals with mental health or substance use disorders in Canada. Although we have come a long way in the war against stigma, there is still work to be done.Methods
Key findings
Recommendations from respondents