If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.

Tracy Windsor

Vancouver, BC

The Kaleidoscope Mental Health Support Society

Hello! My name is Tracy Windsor. In my Mental Health First Aid courses, I value fostering a safe(r) environment, drawing from the experience and expertise of the class participants, and encouraging an open dialogue conducive to learning, unlearning and relearning. I hope you come away from the course with both a greater understanding of how to support others in your life, as well as what mental wellbeing means for you. I teach MHFA from the perspective of lived experience. I was diagnosed with a severe mental illness in 2008, which completely disrupted the trajectory of my life and who I thought I was as a person. I soon got involved in peer support initiatives where I got to meet people who had had experiences similar to mine. I felt extremely ashamed when I was first diagnosed, and the last thing I wanted to do was speak publicly about my experience, but I joined a speaker’s bureau with a crew who spoke publicly about their lived experiences of the way mental health problems have impacted our lives. This opening up was gateway to living a more fulfilling and meaningful life, and I grew a passion for talking about mental health (both my own and generally), increasing mental health literacy, and ultimately building a community that is more accepting and supportive towards those who experience mental health concerns. Personally and professionally, I am engaged in research exploring various facets that promote and support mental health and wellbeing, and I am in the process of completing a Master of Social Work. I have experience as a Peer Support Coordinator within a healthcare authority, I have been involved with The Kaleidoscope Mental Health Support Society since 2011, facilitating peer support groups, and I have been President of the organization since 2016. To register in one of my upcoming public online training sessions, please visit https://www.tickettailor.com/events/tracywindsor https://www.tickettailor.com/events/thekaleidoscopementalhealthsupportsociety I believe a cultural shift towards greater awareness, acceptance and responsiveness to people experiencing mental health concerns is needed in our society. Affordable access to Mental Health First Aid is an important step in realizing this shift in our personal and professional lives, and I offer a sliding scale for people facing financial barriers. Please email me if our rates are still not accessible to you. I also offer group discounts. Please email me for more information or to book a private training. I look forward to hearing from you. Warmest regards, -Tracy


  • English

Facilitator For

  • MHFA Basic
  • MHFA Standard
  • Mental Health First Aid
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